Weekend Recap - but first comes love

Weekend Recap

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

We had such a beautiful fall weekend! The weather was perfect, and we tried to spend as much time outside as possible. Friday was our town's homecoming. I love the festive spirit of the our community during the high school football season! Everyone was decked out in purple in white. Rowan even sported his Uncle Layton's number! The game was a nail biter. Luckily, the boys were able to whip up some awesome defense and pulled off a win...with seconds left! It is always a fun night cheering on the Panthers! 

Saturday was the homecoming dance, and I got to take some pictures before the big event. My brother is a junior (I know, I am still wrapping my head around that.) and he went to the dance with his adorable girlfriend. I cannot believe how grown up he is! Of course, Rowan had to crash the photo session! He really just went to check out all the pretty girls. He was eyeing up all of their pretty necklaces, and trying to figure out how to get them in his mouth! He is actually a pretty good assistant for these photo shoots...he can get anyone to smile! I mean, look at that face! 

Sunday, Dane went with my bother to he Steelers game, and Rowan and I went to the local pumpkin patch. He got to ride in a wagon, and that made him pretty darn excited. We picked out some pumpkins and some apples and loaded up on kettle corn. Have I mentioned that I love fall?! I think it is safe to say that Rowan is also a fan. He may or may not have tried to eat a pumpkin or two. 

Now, I am going to spend the week enjoying SIXTY degree weather and making crock pot apple sauce. Hope you guys are enjoying fall as much as we are! 

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