Being Four

Monday, November 27, 2017

Eleven weeks ago we welcomed a sweet new addition to our family. I expected that it would be an adjustment. However, it is somehow different than I imagined. The first few days were kind of difficult. I was emotional. I was missed the order and simplicity of our family of three...which by the way, was far from simple and orderly. But now, now there was a fourth, and any sense of schedule that we did have was long gone.

As the weeks came and went, we were able to find some sort of routine again...a routine that involved a lot of nursing, snuggles, and sorting of teeny tiny socks. Everyone told me that my heart would grow and I would have even more love to share when the new baby arrived, and they were so right. I want to squeeze him and kiss him all day long, and it is like he filled a hole in my heart that I didn't know I had.

Everyone also said that Rowan would seem so grown up after Crew arrived, and that was even more true. Overnight my baby seemed to age 5 years, and I feel like I have a big kid instead of my little toddler. He is as sweet and cuddly as ever, but he somehow seems to have developed a new "big brother" personality. He is helpful when he wants to be, and other times they both demand milk at the exact same minute.

And everyone told us not to blink, that they will grow up faster than we can imagine. Eleven weeks...I cannot believe that it has been eleven weeks. My tiny baby has already grown and changed so much. I love watching him learn and grow, but I also want time to stand still for just a moment. 

The cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow
But children grow up as I’ve learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs; Dust go to sleep!
I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep.
-Ruth Hulburt Hamilton

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