Easter 2018

Monday, April 02, 2018

I really feel like I failed at Easter. I waited until the last possible second to get the boys' baskets together (thank you, Amazon Prime), and I may or may not have stuck a bunny from our stuffed animal bin in Crew's basket because it need some "filler"...
and i didn't even manage to get a family photo.

I felt disappointed in myself for not taking the boys to an organized egg hunt, for not getting their picture taken with the Easter bunny, for expecting them to enjoy the Easter morning festivities in the midst of a construction mess. 

It was just a difficult holiday for me emotionally. 

But guess what? They loved every second of it. 

The wonderful thing about Easter is not all of the "egg"stravagant festivities...the beauty is that God loves us so much that He gave His son, so we could have eternal life (John 3:16).

When we feel less than, imperfect, and not good enough, God says we are loved. 

Happy Easter

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