Fall Favorites - but first comes love

Fall Favorites

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

H A P P Y   F A L L

Okay, I realize that it isn't exactly fall yet, but as soon as August is over I am in full fall mode.

I am ready to fill my house with pumpkins, and plaid, and all the fall things. Who is with me? Here are a few of the things I am loving for the season!

Fall is seriously my favorite season! Maybe it is because my birthday falls on the first official day of autumn, or the fact that the weather is THE BEST, or all the fun things we have to do, or a combination of it all. Whatever the reason, I am always happy when fall rolls around. 

I wish that our house was finished so I could go pumpkin crazy right.this.very.second...maybe that is why Dane keeps putting it off. ;)

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