Proud of You Two - but first comes love

Proud of You Two

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Raising boys is such a fun job. I love imagining all of the adventures they are going to have together, watching them explore and learn together, and teaching them to love one another...even when Crew keeps knocking down the block castle! 

Watching Rowan become a big brother has been the sweetest. He is so in love with his baby brother. I love the bond that they share, and their need to be with each other constantly. One of our favorite things to do is snuggle up in bed with a big pile of books. Rowan loves "reading" us stories, and Crew gets so excited when Rowan finds something funny. 

I recently stumbled upon Hooray Heroes on Instagram, and I knew I had to make the boys a book! Hooray Heroes makes customized books for your little ones, and they are the cutest! The adventure books are my absolute favorite.

Personalized books are so entertaining. Rowan's favorite thing is flipping through the pages and telling Crew all about what is happening in the picture. He also enjoys searching the pages for his name. I can't wait to add some other Hooray Heroes books to our collection!

Rowan and Crew,
you are the sweetest brothers here ever were. Your daddy and mommy love you so much, and we are so proud of you and all the love you share. We wish you many adventures, pillow forts, and late nights of laughter. Always remember how much you love each other!
G R O U P    S Q U E E Z E

Get 15% off your very own adventure book with the promo code LOVEFIRST15.

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