Date Jars
Sunday, February 16, 2020
I had whipped up a cute little date jar for Rowan's Valentine's Day gift, and it was a fact, Crew wanted one of his own. So I made him a little jar with activities that he loves. I kept this super simple. The activities that I put in his jar include things that he does almost every weekend anyway. The jar just adds a little bit of excitement.
C R E W ' S J A R
+ Go to the farm with Daddy
+ Tractor Ride
+ Feed the Cows
+ Get Donuts
+ Go to the Park
R O W A N ' S J A R
+ Board Games at the Coffee Shop
+ Go to the Library
+ Movie Night
+ Adventure on the Trails
+ Target with Mommy
Each jar has fun little things that the boys enjoy. Crew loves to go with daddy on Saturdays, and Rowan is always excited about a date with mama. I can't wait to get our fun started...for now they are just enjoying carrying them around.