Getting Ready for the Holidays!
Monday, November 07, 2011
I cannot tell you how excited I am to send all of my friends and family Christmas cards this year! It is one of the perks of being married that I have been looking forward to for a long time. So, I have started working on my Christmas card design. I looked through several designs online, but I really wanted the satisfaction of designing my own. I am sure (like anything else that I design) I will make several different designs before I select the one that I will mail out...good thing I started early!

Here is the first design that I have come up with! This font is one of my new favorites!

Now I just need to take a cute picture for our Thank You cards and get those mailed out. We are so blessed! {b}

Here is the first design that I have come up with! This font is one of my new favorites!

Now I just need to take a cute picture for our Thank You cards and get those mailed out. We are so blessed! {b}