Rowan Update

Saturday, July 29, 2017

This boy...the boy who made me a mama. He always knows how to make me smile. Like when he cups my face in his little hands and gives me a kiss, or tells me, "I wuv you sooo much!" He is so excited about being a big brother, and his days as an only child are quickly ticking away. I don't know how he is going to handle having a baby in the house at first. However, I do know that this new little babe is a lucky one. His brother is so full of love. 

Rowan recently turned 2.5 and I thought it would be a good time to do a little update. 

He has the silliest laugh, and he finds the littlest things be a kid again. I think he develops a new facial expression everyday, and they are all very entertaining. I call him my little water bug, because he will do anything to splash and play in water. He loves swimming, baths, and even "helping" me do dishes. He has some funny phrases that he uses regularly..."Of course!" is one of my favorites and he still says, "I want to hold you," when he wants picked up. It is the sweetest! He loves going to the farm and insists on wearing his farm boots anytime we take a trip to see the goats and cows. He has just started requesting to look at pictures of Row Row...he loves to tell me what he is doing in each picture and I love looking back through all those sweet memories.

I know they warn you that time flies by, but I honestly cannot believe how quickly he has grown.

These sweet pictures are all thanks to Angie Jackson Photography! I will be sharing more from our last session as a family of three very soon!

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