The Road Back Home

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I love visiting this dead end road. I really miss living in the country, and I would have to say that it has been the biggest adjustment I have had to make. Lately, I have been longing for a little house in the quiet country (with Dane of course!) Someday this dream will come true, and it will be wonderful!

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  1. I miss the country too! I live in the city now and hate it! Too much hussle and bussle. I'm really looking forward to living back out in the country when we decide to purchase a house.

    P.S. Cute blog! Found you from YHL.

  2. I always miss it, luckily my parents still live there! I am glad that I can visit often. I am glad that you like the blog! YHL is one of my favorites!


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