8 Months + My Take on Sleepless Nights - but first comes love

8 Months + My Take on Sleepless Nights

Thursday, August 27, 2015

I don't know how it is possible, but we have an 8 month old! It is kind of a strange feeling. On one hand, it still feels like yesterday that we were welcoming Rowan into this world, but it is also hard to remember life before he was here! Dane and I are over the moon in love with the little boy that made us parents, and we love watching him grow everyday!

Favorite Activities: eating, NOT sleeping, sitting up, reading books, being outside
Favorite Toys: squeaky cow, stacking rings, and anything with a tag
Favorite Foods: blueberries, butternut squash, and quinoa
Number of Teeth: FIVE

Notice that one Rowan's favorite activities is staying up all night! Well, that wasn't always the case. You know that saying, "Be careful what you wish for?" Well, if you read his 4 month post you could say I had it comin'. We had a 3 month stretch of good sleep, and then BOOM...teeth came, and sleep went out the window. However, I have decided that I am just going to enjoy absolutely every second I can spend with my little guy...especially the seconds in the earliest times of the day, before the sun is even out. Someday, he isn't going to cry for us in the middle of the night, someday he isn't going to want us to tuck him in, someday he isn't going to need us to read him a bedtime story, and when that time comes I am going to miss every 3 am that I am getting to share with him right now! I love that boy to pieces, and he is worth a million sleepless nights...and many more! So, for now I will just live on sloppy kisses and coffee...and probably be sporting some crazy hair.

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