Books for Babes - but first comes love

Books for Babes

Friday, August 07, 2015

One of our favorite activities is reading! Rowan is a big fan of books, and that makes me one happy momma! We have several favorites, and our book wish list seems to grow pretty quickly.

Little Blue Truck is our absolute favorite at the moment. I wouldn't be surprised if BEEP is Rowan's second word (because Dane made sure that Dada was his first). Your Baby's First Word Will Be Dada is another favorite! We can't get through the first page without smiles...probably because it has a cow on it! We also really enjoy Naptime with Theo and Beau, Guess How Much I Love You, Snuggle Up Sleepy Ones, and A Kissing Hand for Chester Raccoon.

We have a little collection of Christmas books in the closet that I can't wait to get out. I plan on changing up his book shelves for the different holidays (is that weird?), but I am especially excited about Christmas! AND I just found out that there is a Little Blue Truck's Christmas...that is going to have to make it's way to our collection!

Some of the other books on our wish list include Goodnight Already, Little Blue Truck Leads the Way, I Don't Want to Be a Frog, and Dragons Love Tacos. I am so glad that Rowan loves reading time, because I love reading to him...and I love finding fun new books to add to our shelves!

What are your favorite kid books?!

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