Weekend Adventure Part 2: Chicago - but first comes love

Weekend Adventure Part 2: Chicago

Saturday, October 31, 2015

You may have read about our Normal adventure earlier this week. Well, Normal was only half of our fun! Friday night, we continued our little road trip up to Chicago, home to Dane's sister and her adorable & growing family!  (Eeeep...aunting is one of my favorite things, and I am so excited about welcoming another niece in a few short months.) We got to town just in time for supper... mac n' cheese from the Honky Tonk...YUM!!! It was a pretty relaxed evening. Well, as relaxed as it can be when you have two crazy babies chasing each other around. We just got to sit and visit and catch up on life, and that was awesome!

The next morning we went to breakfast at Hashbrowns before Lerisse had to leave for work. The boys had fun (Rowan usually enjoys anything that involves food!) and we tried to plan our day of activities. Of course, it was raining...again!

We thought it might be best to stay indoors for the day, but at the last minute the sun came out and we decided to go to the Lincoln Park Zoo! Rowan had never been to the zoo, so I was excited for him to see all of the animals. The zoo was really crowded. Apparently, it was their Halloween day, and they were giving out candy to little kids. We worked our way through the swarm of princesses and super heroes to see most of the animals. Rowan's favorite were the ducks...go figure! After a couple hours we made our way back to the car and shortly after that it started raining again! Talk about perfect timing!

Our time in Chicago was quickly (too quickly) coming to an end. We loaded the car, gave hugs, said our goodbyes, and had to hit the road again.

Ultimately, our weekend trip was a huge success. Rowan handled the car ride like a champ, we got to spend time with people that we love, Rowan and Lendon got to have some quality cousin time, and we had a blast!

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