Cold Weather Favorites - but first comes love

Cold Weather Favorites

Friday, November 13, 2015

The temperature is slowly dropping, and that can only mean one thing...winter is on its way! I love fall, and I am certainly not trying to rush it along, but there are so many things that I love about winter. Fall is such a busy time for us, and winter seems to slow down just a little. There is nothing quite like curling up with a blanket and a baby and watching through the window as the snow lightly falls. (Last winter Rowan was still teeny tiny, but let's be honest, this year curling up will probably consist of wet kisses and hair pulling.) Surely, snow is still a while off, but in the mean time I have decided to put together a few of my wintery favorites.

Cozy sweaters, leggings, and warm socks are the best attire for those days when you are snowed in.

Warm hats! I am a cold blooded gal. Cold hands, warm heart...right? Anyway, I have to keep my ears from getting cold, and this cozy hat looks like it would do the trick. Bonus points if it hides the crazy hair that I sport most days!

My favorite Christmas album from Pentatonix! Yes, I am one of those people that starts listening to Christmas music on November 1st...don't judge! I am very thankful for Christmas music, and I certainly can celebrate Thanksgiving and listen to Christmas music at the same time...I call it multitasking!

Wintery scents are a must during the colder season! Northern Lights Black Spruce is a new favorite essential oil around our house. Oh, and we have to keep Thieves handy for a little immunity boost. After all, staying healthy is important with all of the holiday festivities.

What are your cold weather favorites?

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