20 Weeks

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

This pregnancy is really flying by! I cannot believe we are halfway done, and will be meeting our new baby boy in a few short months. Part of me hopes that September would just hurry up and get here so I can snuggle and kiss this babe...and then there is the other part of me...the one that realizes we have a lot of stuff to get done and a lot of fun to be had as a family of three before baby bear makes his appearance. Oh, and he still has no name...in case you were wondering.

I am no longer sick, but I was really expecting to get some energy back after we made it to the second trimester. I guess chasing a toddler around pretty much takes care of that. I am going to have my hands full once the baby arrives...he is already an active little thing. I have been feeling him move around for the last couple of weeks, and it is so much fun! And we got to see all of his squirming today, at our 20 week ultrasound. 

I have been craving ice cold water and vegetables...in fact, I may or may not have purchased this pretty cook book in the middle of one of my cravings for asparagus. Amazon Prime is such an enabler. As far as getting the house ready...that is supposed to start this week! I cannot wait, but I also feel like our lives are about to get a lot more hectic. I will be sharing all of those details soon!  

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