Finding Balance
Friday, April 28, 2017
Sometimes we women try to do all the things. I don't know about you, but I feel like I can only keep a few parts of my life organized and functioning smoothly at a time. I feel like it really comes down to how you feel at the end of the day. If I feel like I have neglected my house or my business, I will put extra effort in that area the next day. This is something that I am constantly working on...trying to keep it together. I have personally become more willing to say no to things that don't make me feel fulfilled or that take up time that I could be spending doing something that I love. At the end of the day, I want to feel like I have lived a day of purpose.
While trying to be better at balancing life, I have read several books with tips and life lessons to encourage mindful decision making and thoughtful use of time. And I was so excited to learn about Oola for Women. What is Oola? Well according to the authors, Oola is that state of awesomeness you experience when your life is balanced and growing in all the key areas of health and well-being. Sign me up for this awesomeness, please! The book talks about finding balance in the seven key areas of life: faith, family, friends, fun, field, fitness, and finance. (Oh, and for all of my oily friends out there...they have an entire line of Young Living Essential Oils that correspond with each of those areas...that is actually how I first heard of Oola.)
This book is filled with encouragement for women seeking a balanced life, and the personal stories within the pages have both made me cry and given me so much hope! I am pretty much recommending it to every woman I know! :)
You can preorder your own copy from Barnes and Noble or Amazon! And even if you don't think you need any help in the balancing life department, I encourage you to follow oolalife on Instagram! Everyone could use some positive reminders once in a while, mmmiright?