Picky Eater Tips
Friday, April 08, 2022Sometimes feeding kids is hard. We have gone through stages of having really good eaters, and have really picky eaters. I think it is pretty common for kids to go through stages, but in those times of pickiness it can be challenging to make sure kids are getting the food that they need.
I recently had a conversation with my friend Cayle and she offered up some really good suggestions for meal time with picky eaters. I am sharing her suggestions below in case you are on the struggle bus with me.
Oh and here is a picture of my pickiest eater...he may be a little stinker, but he sure is cute!
1. Never cook 2 meals. EVER! This will encourage them to throw a fit and know that another option that they love is one tantrum away. They will not starve and if they are hungry enough they will eat what is in front of them.
2. Be patient with new foods. It might take them 5 or 6 times to try the new food. Just do not force them to eat and and always tell them how you are proud of them when they try it on their own. Positive encouragement will always win.
3. Keep offering foods over and over. They will eventually try it. Just don't make it a big deal. Keep putting those green beans on their plate. They will get curious eventually and try it.
4. Be a good role model. Be sure you are eating what you are expecting your child to eat as well.
5. Encourage your kiddo to shop, cook and unload groceries with you. Explain to them how you take that box of pasta and cook it and turn it into spaghetti. Or, how you use the cheese in the casserole. Showing and talking to them about food will allow them to ask questions, peak their interest and have them be more inclined to try it knowing the steps it took from grocery store isle to their plate.
6. Do not force feed and respect their appetite. It is ok if they do not eat all 7 pieces of broccoli on their plate. The idea is that they tried it. Not everything is going to be their favorite, they are allowed to have 'least favorite foods' like us. Just thank them for trying it and ask them what they do or don't like about it in a positive tone. It might be a texture thing and most kids will grow out of that.
7. Make it fun. Cut their foods into shapes and let them eat it how they like it best. If they want to dip their broccoli in ketchup...who cares, let them! We like to dip in weird things too...allow them to be creative and test the waters with foods on their own.
8. Eliminate distractions at dinner time. NO TV, cell phones, Ipads, tablets or headphones. This will have them stay focused on eating, allow for more family conversation and be intuitive about what they are eating.
I love these tips! To add to what Cayle has already said, I also want to suggest planning out meals in a manner that sets you up for success! If you know that one of your kiddos doesn't like pasta try to limit the number of meals that include noodles. And to make it fun, try letting your kids plan supper one night a week. Maybe you will eat PB&J, but your kids will be excited that they planned it and everyone ate it. AND they may be more open to trying the meals that you pick out next time.
Cayle has a blog and podcast full of other useful advice! Make sure you check them out by clicking below.
I hope you found these tips helpful! If you are in the midst of feeding picky eaters, you are not alone!