Tuesday, July 03, 2012
This summer seems to be flying by. July is already here!? I am really excited about this month! There is so much going on!
•My little brother turned 20 yesterday! I cannot believe he is that old! CRAZY! We celebrated with Mom's American tacos last night! (basically she doesn't season the meat...think hamburger on a tortilla, YUM)
•Last weekend Dane and I went on a float trip with a bunch of people he went to school with! We had so much fun, and it was really nice getting to know everyone.
•Tomorrow is the 4th of July, and I am spending the day at the lake with my family and my Bible! Sounds like a perfect day to me!
•I have some very exciting photo shoots coming up this month that I cannot wait to share!
Here is the printable July calendar! (Can you believe I posted it on the 3rd! Trust me...I am just as shocked as you are!)

I will be back tomorrow with some craft ideas that I am considering for the Pinterest Challenge! They will not involve sewing. Those poor pillows still aren't done!