Wedding Pictures...FINALLY
Sunday, June 09, 2013
Well...I FINALLY ordered a book of wedding pictures! I have been putting this off for a long time (a year and eight months to be exact)! For some reason the thought of putting it together exhausted me. I have used several photo book websites, but I wanted to go with something different this time. I remember reading a post by Young House Love about their yearbook, and I decided to give MyPublisher a try! Let me tell you...I am SOOOO glad that I did! I am in love with the book!
The quality is really outstanding, and I LOVE the layout options! Plus, it was extremely easy to put together. I cannot stop showing it off to anyone willing to look at it! I was able to fill the pages with pictures from our wedding day and a special shoot that we had at later date. The next step is ordering canvas prints! No more bare walls!
AND...I am definitely going to start making Fletcher Family yearbooks in the future! Thanks for the great idea, John and Sherry!
The photographs in the images above were taken by Kevin Zimarik of Kevin Zimarik Photography.