Living in the Moment

Friday, May 06, 2016

The other day I was feeling run down by the monotony that has been filling my weeks. Everyday is the same thing, with the occasional visit to the goats. I have found myself anxiously anticipating the next holiday, vacation, or milestone & have ultimately been wishing time away. Then Rowan and I were cuddling in the rocking chair, like we do every night, and I realized that I didn't want that moment to go anywhere. Time is precious, and babies don't stay babies forever. I love the thought of getting away from the everyday and doing something fun, but we can't live for those moments. Life will pass us by and we will be left wondering what it is that we did. I want to look back and remember the small moments just as much as the big adventures...and everything in between.

Because really...these moments are the best!

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