Rowie Update

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

This summer has sure gone by quickly. It has been a while since I have done a little Rowan update & he has grown so much over the last few months. His little personality cracks me up. He is always surprising me with something new that he has learned, or silly that he does. This age is easily one of my favorites so far! He absolutely loves bath time, reading, & visiting the farm to help Daddy with the goats. He is also pretty much obsessed with all things Curious George. Group hugs (or squeezes) are really common around our house...sometimes we get to enjoy twenty or so at a time & and each one is as enthusiastic as the first. He is pretty independent at times, but he also loves to snuggle is mommy & and you know that I am a fan of that! He has recently learned so many words. He pronounces most of them incorrectly, but that might be the cutest part (he calls milk "mooo-k"...pretty fitting!) And all of his sorries are accompanied with some sweet patting. I am not sure where he learned that. This boy is the sweetest thing with the kindest heart. I hope that he always know how very special he is to me. 

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