Road Trip Essentials

Tuesday, February 05, 2019

 We went on a little road trip last weekend, and had the best time. Kids and long car rides are not always a recipe for fun, but I did my best to make sure that there was plenty to keep them entertained while we were traveling.

Legos: I used some 3M Command Velcro to secure a Lego base to the bottom of a little pencil container. It worked like a charm. I was sure that the container was going to get dropped and tiny legos were going to go everywhere, but it didn't happen. Rowan built and rebuilt a "jungle" for well over an hour during our drive to Tennessee. 

Dry Erase Board: I threw this in our bag at the last minute, and I am so glad that I did. This was probably the favorite of all the activities that I brought along from Rowan. He practiced writing his name, then he practiced writing his "brudder's" name, and then he asked me to help him draw our whole family. 

Books: This one is pretty easy, I picked out a couple books for each of the boys to flip through during the trip. Crew loves looking at his board books! 

Movies: We have a DVD player in the car. Rowan didn't watch it a ton, but when he started to get sleepy, it was a good option. 

Tablet: I also packed his tablet, and made sure that there were lots of games and videos downloaded before the we got in the car. Netflix has an option to download and go, so you don't have to have internet connection for the movies you have downloaded. He spent most of his tablet time playing a letter tracing game. I honestly don't have great recommendations for games on the tablet because I haven't taken the time to figure it out. If you have favorite tablet apps for kids (preferably some that don't need the internet) please share them!

Bingo: We got these Road Trip Bingo cards on our first ever family trip...Rowan was 6 months old! We had a blast with them on that trip, and I am sure that Rowan would have loved them this time...but I forgot to pack them. #fail

Play Doh: This was actually an accident, and we didn't play with it in the car. It happened to be in the bottom of the diaper bag, and Dane found it looking for a toy to entertain Crew at one of the restaurants. It kept both of the boys happy and quiet while we waited for our food to arrive. I am going to leave a little container in the diaper bag from now on! 

We also packed some essential oils to help with meltdowns, but we didn't have to use them this time. Overall, the boys were really good. Luckily, Crew was all for sleeping during most of the driving.

The success of this trip makes us feel better about venturing a little further next time. We will just have to make sure that we pack more snacks. 

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