Easter Basket Ideas
Friday, April 05, 2019
Last year I Amazon Primed all the boys' Easter basket goodies two days before Easter and used one of Rowan's stuffed bunnies as a filler for Crew's basket. You can see more about all that here.
This year, I am happy to report that I have already started getting baskets together! We don't really do any candy in our Easter baskets, because the kids get enough of that everywhere else we go. I like to fill the boys basket with practical fun things, and I try to keep it pretty simple. Here are some fun ideas I thought I would share with you.
Hat: My boys are obsessed with hats, and Rey to Z has the cutest hats ever! I got each of the boys one for their basket and I am excited for them to see them!
Books: We include books the Easter baskets every year. I found I'll Love You Till the Cows Come Home for Crew, and it is darling! For Rowan I am getting The Garden, the Curtain, and the Cross. The illustrations are beautiful and message are beautiful! I also really liked You Belong Here and E is for Easter.
Stuffed Toy: If you have really young kids stuffed toys can be a fun addition. My mom found the boys really cute bunnies for their first Easters. I am getting Crew a little goat, because he is pretty much in love with our little goat, Dot.
Sun Glasses: Another item that I get every year is sunglasses. They are affordable and easy to toss in the basket. I got Row this cute pair from Old Navy. I also found these really cool flexible toddler sunglasses from Amazon! Who ever thought of that was genius!
Outdoor Fun: Sidewalk chalk, bubbles, gardening tools, jump ropes...these are all great ideas to get your kids outside after a long winter!
Swim Trunks: I am going to buy swim trunks anyway, I might as well stick them in the Easter basket, right? You could also get beach towels and pool toys.
Pajamas: Another practical basket stuffer that you probably need to get anyway. The boys have outgrown a lot of their spring/summer pajamas from last year. I got them each a set of these. We love Old Navy pajamas!
Easter Eggs: We always have a little Easter egg hunt, but I like to stick a couple eggs in their basket. Usually we do quarters in our eggs. Rowan loves to put them in his "penny bank." If you have girls, little bows and barrettes would be really cute!
A lot of these items are available on Amazon Prime, so if you want to wait until the last second it's no problem. ;) Is there something that you stick in your kiddos' baskets each year?