March is Here
Tuesday, March 06, 2012
I am a little 6 days late on this post! Better late than never, right?
February flew by! I cannot believe we are already to the third month of the year, fifth month of my marriage (that is my new form of time measurement!) I will embrace it and hope that it is a productive month. I have a lot of stuff planned for March!
•Finish the office/guest room: This has been on the to-do list since it is on the MUST get done list!
•Add homey touches: I have not hung anything on the walls yet...partially because I don't know where I want to put them...decisions, decisions. I am also searching for a ladder that I want to use for decoration.
•$1 Bowl Makeover: I need some bowls for the top of my cabinets. They are just going to be used for decoration...SO I have an idea to DIY some! (Don't worry...I will share!)
There is a lot to do. I tend to fill my to do list with things that don't ever get done. I decided to limit it so I can actually accomplish the whole list! Cross your fingers!
Well, I promised last month that I would design a calendar every month...

...and I have a special treat for all of my iPhone users! I have included an iPhone version in addition to the printable version.
