April Showers...and Plans for May Flowers

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

It is already April...how did that happen? My to do list is still growing (and still shrinking at a slower pace!) How am I supposed to get anything done when the weather is this beautiful?!?! I am not going to bore you with a list of task I have yet to complete, or the number of thing that I have added to that ever growing list...however, I will tell you that I excited to get my gardening on! I have never had a garden! (My mom had a garden and flower beds, but I didn't really do anything with them.) And since my loving husband will not let me get a dog (wouldn't you like to see pictures of a cute little puppy on here?) I am going to have to settle for raising flowers instead! Wish me (and the flowers) luck! You can check out my garden pin board to see some of my inspiration! 

To keep up with my monthly tradition I have created a calendar! (It also seems that I don't share the calendar until halfway through the month...i will work on that.) 

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